Mentoring FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will I earn PDUs?

Yes – as a mentee, a properly structured mentoring arrangement can help you earn PDUs in the Education-Informal Learning category.  Mentors earn PDUs through the Giving Back - Shared Knowledge category.  You do need to keep accurate records and be prepared to produce them if audited.

  • How much does it cost?

It is completely free for PMI Bangladesh Chapter members.

  • How often do Mentors and Mentees meet?

Mentors and mentees meet as often as they see fit. We recommend that the initial 2-3 meetings take place weekly for about an hour, building trust and rapport at the outset has proven to be a critical success factor.

Once the mentoring relationship is established and the mentees’ objectives are formulated, the frequency can be adjusted depending on mentor-mentee availability; the pair mutually agree to the timing, duration, and form of the meetings.

Given the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, we highly recommend these meetings to be using virtual platform.

  • Do I need to be a PMI Bangladesh Chapter member to participate?

Yes.  This is a benefit that is only available to Chapter members.

  • What happens if the mentoring partnership is not working?

We understand that there will be times when a pairing does not work out due to changing personal circumstances, or for other reasons. The mentoring team undertakes regular health checks to identify what is or is not working in a particular pairing. We encourage all parties to have open and honest conversations about the mentoring relationship before asking the mentoring team to identify another suitable mentor/mentee; but in most circumstances, a recommendation to wait until the next intake would be one of the approaches.

  • When does the mentoring relationship end?

Typically, the mentoring program will run for the full intake period, but the mentoring relationship between some mentors and mentees may continue if both agree to continue beyond the formal closure of the intake.

  • Will my Mentor help me earn my PMP?

If your immediate goal is to earn your PMP then you should consider formal training.  PMIBC offers a study group session for PMP exam preparation. You may ask for some tips for motivation purpose to your mentor based on his/her experience.

  • Will my Mentor help me find a job?

No – this is not the primary purpose of the mentoring program. However, the skills you acquire through the mentoring relationship will assist you if you are seeking new employment or career advancement.

  • I don’t live in Bangladesh – can I still participate?

Yes, you can, as long as you are a PMIBD Chapter member.